Israel has been the target of 65 UN resolutions "denouncing" Israel, and exactly ZERO against the Palestinians, Fatah, Hamas, or any of the other minor terrorist organizations in Palestine and the countries that surround Israel, not even against the aggressor nations that attacked Israel on Yom Kippur (the holiest day of the Jewish year) in 1973.
If you listen to the media reports, "It takes courage to criticize Israel's attacks on Gaza" and that Israel started the fighting. In fact the first line in the Guardian article I linked to says, "The Israeli military said it attacked "terrorist infrastructure". Hamas vowed to avenge what it called "the Israeli slaughter" and Palestinian militants responded with rocket salvos that killed an Israeli man and wounded others."
Fact check. The Palestinians terrorists are not responding, they are continuing their attacks.
I've been to Israel twice. Israelis, for the most part, want to live in peace. They want to be able to get on a bus to go to work without fear that they will be murdered by a suicide bomber. They want the ability to work in the yard without being killed by a rocket, a mortar, or a sniper.
I've also been to Egypt. One Egyptian I talked to summed up the majority Arab opinion. He said, "Kill all the Jews." I asked him why. He said, "They deserve to die." I asked why. He said, "Because they are Jews."
For what Hamas wants see this.

If your house was the victim of a drive-by shooting every day for years on end, your neighbors continually vowed to murder you, and the police said, "Well, it's your fault for living there and oppressing those poor gang members" what would you do?
Do not be misled by the media, who scours world events looking for ways to blame the West and its allies for causing terrorism.
By the way, the woman in this picture is pregnant and a mother of 8, and was planning on a suicide attack. She was a "coordinator" for Islamic Jihad, arranging suicide attacks, and had applied to enter Israel for "medical treatment." Thankfully, she was stopped before she could carry out her plan. See the story here.
Sheesh, Some of the people I work with have been following the mantra that Israel is the aggressor in this whole conflagration. It has been fun to ask them what they would do if Keizer was firing rockets into the backyard...or their favorite Starbucks.
Of course it is a good thing that the Palestinans are lousy shots...imagine if their rockets actually hit targets.
I read that when General Pershing was in the Philippines and an infantada started he captured three men. Butchered two hogs in front of them, smeared two bullets with hog blood and then shot two of the prisoners. Next he burried them in the skins of the hogs. He let the third on go to tell the rest of the people exactly what would happen to them if the continued to attack.
Maybe Israel doesn't need to go that would be Bad for a Jewish person in ineract with hogs...but what about retrofitting a mortar to fire packs of Jimmy Dean
Interestingly, since I wrote this, Hamas has assented to "an unconditional cease-fire." Ha. It would last long enough for Hamas to get more ammo from Egypt.
Of course, Israel isn't perfect, but they don't TARGET civilians...
I like the idea of Jimmy Dean links...
It seems to me with terrorists, you absolutely have to make it too costly for them to fight, whether that is psychological (i.e. Pershing) or physical (completely destroying their ability to fight).
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