We think we can get out of our massive debt-induced economic crisis by what else - going into debt so massive that we can't even conceive of how huge it is. We elect a president who, on the one hand is promising to sign legislation to remove any limit to the number of babies we kill, while on the other has just signed an executive order to release dangerous terrorists bent on our destruction, and this is called "humanitarian." He also promised to put a stop to "aerating villages" but in his first day in office, he ok'd the bombing of a village in Pakistan, which killed at least 18 people. We call war murder but infanticide and euthenasia, "evolved." We accuse the only democracy in the Middle East, the only country with free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press, women's suffrage, the only country in the Middle East which even attempts to protect human rights, of "violating human rights." At the same time, we are silent about Israel's enemies hiding in schools and hospitals, launching rockets into residential areas.
Thinking about all this, an image came into my mind that I think illustrates the West's thinking:

Rather than stopping and trying to reconcile our contradictory beliefs, increasingly we posses "strikingly irrational beliefs" based on appeals to emotion, rather than the truth. When Denethor thought all was lost, rather than listen to sound reason and change, he killed himself. I fear we are on the same path.
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