Monday, June 29, 2009

More Numbers

I love the facts, what can I say.

In 1980, the Oregon legislature, in the midst of a recession, reduced the budget by 10%. To make it simple, the budget was -10% from the previous.

In 2009, facing a similar recession (arguably worse), the Oregon legislature is proposing a budget increase of 9%. In other words, the budget is going to be +9% from the previous. It is a total of 53.47 billion.

Thanks to Bill Post at 1430 KYKN for this. I have not been able to locate the actual numbers, since Oregon does not post its budgets online.

The next time someone cries that "programs will be cut" keep in mind that the budget is going up 10% over the last one. Nothing is being reduced. I cannot locate it, but I believe the 2006-2008 budget was an increase of much more than 10%. So the 2008-2010 budget is less of an increase. Ah, governmental-ese.

By the way, can we please put the budget online for all citizens to look over? I know it would expose a lot of things a lot of government officials would rather keep secret, but I think the citizens deserve to know what the 70+ new taxes and tax increases proposed will be paying for.

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