Monday, February 09, 2009

Obama's "Plan"

How about this little timeline?
2001: Jeffrey Immelt appointed CEO of GE.
2004: Immelt confronted about doing business in Iran. Lies, saying GE was not doing business in Iran.
2008: Immelt forced to admit GE's business in Iran. Promises to stop "quickly."
2001-2008: Immelt resists calls to end GE's dumping of PCB's into the Hudson river, then resists calls to begin cleanup.
2001-2008: Stock price of GE falls 70%. Immelt reportedly directs a massive spending effort to jump-start GE.
2009: Obama appoints Jeffrey Immelt to his economic team.
2009: Obama appeals to the public and Congress to support his massive 1930's-Great- Depression-extending-New Deal-like spending package, saying those oppose him should give up their "tired old theories."

Hope. Change. Transparency. Truth.
Clinton re-treads, tax cheats, lying CEO's, massive spending proposals, avoiding questions from the media, going back on campaign proposals...all in the first month.

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