Clearly, the chimpanzee felt disgruntled at the cutbacks
in the "afternoon banana time treat" budget.
Interestingly, he is employing a rather odd half-gangster style shooting form.
Not too good for accuracy. Well, it is a Glock, so just firing it is not too good for accuracy.
Ever fire a Glock?
As a matter of fact, yes. A 9mm Glock 19. It felt like a plastic brick. Shot like one too. I don't like DAO pistols anyway...
I have a 40 S&W Glock 22 - it is square like you say but has a good grip and accuracy is not a problem for me - good weapon - anyway monkey pictures are funny
I am sure you can get good pistol accuracy with a Glock. In my experience we set a 2 liter full of water at about 50 yards. I could not hit it with the Glock so I got out my .40S&W Jericho (Baby Eagle) and blew it up first shot. Granted, I am more comfortable with my .40, and .40 S&W is a pretty accurate pistol round, but I am not the only one with this complaint about GLocks. Of course, pistols are inherently for closer range than 50 yards, but I have high standards....
And yes, monkeys holding guns are cool..
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