Saturday, January 31, 2009

Environmentalism is a Religion

I was going to write an extended post about the striking parallels of the environmental movement with judeo-christian beliefs, but this guy already did it. And he's a geologist.


I am also working on a list of things blamed on global warming. I found a site that lists 600 news stories


simplykersh said...

sadly the video is not available at this time. oh well.
I do believe that certain aspects of the environmental, hippey back to earth movement are grounded in Christian of neighbor, Glory to God in the beauty of all created things etc.

As far as blaming things on global warming....I think it must be clear that we really need to blame WalMart. Wally World began to grow into a megapower a decade before scientists noticed the weather changes. More walmarts= more poluting= more warming. I should file a class action (with the polar bears) against them.

psychobob said...

Huh. Works for me, I just tried it. Hmmm.

Well, the guy in this video is saying that the environmental movement is religious in that
1. It holds a lot of beliefs, not facts
2. It uses apocalyptic scare tactics to win converts
3. It tries to shut down dissent or disagreement.
They're more like J.W's or Scientologists, a cult based on fear and suppressing the truth.
I'm all for stewardship. But I am not for destroying life as we know it so we can "save life as we know it."