Sunday, August 10, 2008

More anti-global warming

I was looking for something else and ran into this:
Haifa University study: Local rainfall stats defy global warming fears
It is a headline from Haaretz news.
Basically it says that Israeli researchers have not found a significant change in rainfall levels in the last 60 years, despite the global warming crowd's contention that global warming is "already impacting precipitation quantities."
The lead researcher concludes, "The common belief that weather events are becoming more extreme can therefore be attributed to greater press coverage of weather events, in particular extreme events, and not to an increase in these events."
The article is here:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that both Mars and Venus have exhibited signs of "global warming". Also we have had one of the weter winters here in the Pacific Northwest. Just a thought...they used to grow grapes in England in the Roman times. There is nothing wrong with trying to clean up our impact on the enviroment, however the Carbon offset scam isn't the way to do it!