Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Yeah, I'm still here

Ok, so I know its been....months...

What can I say, I been busy.

My mom sent me an email with some attachments I thought were funny enough to post. Bill, it reminded me of our college days. Here they are.

Bill, my college roommate actually got a similar one. It said, "The FAT bread has failed and the Kernal is panicking."

My favorite message I got on my compie was, "Windows has failed to laod the device. Therefore it will never attempt to load the device again." Of course it tried the very next time I booted it.

Anywho, that's all I have. Except for this:

Didn't know you could now upload video. Must be a new feature.


Bill said...


Wassup? Long time no see or hear...

We should play AOE2 someday.

psychobob said...

Yes! Definately. I don't think I've played AOE2 for about a year.