Tuesday, July 25, 2006

On Vacation

We are in Eastern Washington State visiting family. From Friday until tomorrow, Wed., we are staying at my parent's house. My mother has done an amazing job building a huge and amazing yard and garden. Almost all the veggies we have eaten this week have been from the garden. Lettuce, onions, carrots, spinach, you name it, we ate it!
Unfortunately it has been a blast furnace outside, with temps. somewhere around 110F. Today was relatively cool at 97.
We did get to go on the boat though, and a dip in the cold Columbia River felt very nice.
Tomorrow we head for north of Spokane to Karen's parents' cabin on Deer Lake. It should be fun! I don't think they have high-speed internet, which is a blessing, so I'll post sometime next week.


Angie said...

And people think it's beastly hot here if it breaks 90. Hah! They just don't know, do they? I will say, however, that the humidity is rather, um, annoying.

Cherie said...

Years ago when we were up for Betsy's wedding we visited your folks and were astounded at your mom's beautiful yard! Thanks for bringing back those memories. Glad you and Karen get to get away and visit all your folks. Thanks for all the news, Bob!

Angie said...

Bob, you've been tagged on my blog! Come see what you got tagged to do. :)