Sunday, March 19, 2006

It really has been a long time since I posted here. Wow.
Well, things are going along. Our Sentra's tranny died. It sounded really cool limping it home. We are going to see if the one Frank has in the junk (errr...I mean scrap) yard will fit it. The engine is a '90, the tranny is an '88. If it does we are going to see how expensive it would be to have someone put it in for us.
Today I am typing this blog while I install Win98 on my backup gaming compy. The hard drive from the computer my parent's gave me was about to go out ( in fact it kinda sounded the same as the Sentra's tranny - a kind of metallic scraping sound). My friend Jim had an old Hewlett Packard he gave me so I pirated the hard drive out of it. Only problem is that the HP's hard drive didn't take kindly to being yanked out of it's home, so I had to format it.
For the time being, spring is here in the Willamette Valley. Today it is sunny and in the high 50's. There are some flowers blooming and others coming up. It's nice.
I must attend to software loading. I know I said I'd put more info on about the Habermast lectures, but be patient.


Danny said...

Hey, good to hear from you again! Hope the car and computer fixes go well!

Here are a couple links I thought you might enjoy:

Cherie said...

Time for a new entry, hey Mr. D?

How's the car? Dead? Running?

Tick Tock....still waiting.........;-)

Aunt Cherie