Saturday, December 31, 2005

Long time, no post

Since no one ever comes to this blog, I don't update it. I would if someone would comment once in a while.

Edit: Looks like somehow comments were limited to "team members only," which is really dumb because I am the only team member. It is fixed now.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Pearl Harbor Day

Today, 64 years ago, naval aircraft of the Empire of Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. For the men and women serving there it was a complete surprise. Thousands were killed and wounded. President Roosevelt asked America to allow him to declare war, and we enthusiastically agreed. Less than 4 years later but many, many lives lost later, the learders of Imperial Japan sat on the deck of one of our battleships in Tokyo bay and signed an unconditional surrender. The men fighting in World War 2 certainly did not forget "Pearl," and neither should we.
Today we find our nation in a different struggle. A war against nameless, faceless terrorists who cowardly set roadside bombs, then run for cover among civilians. It is a war against people who want the total collapse of Western civilization in order to force thier ideology on us. Let us not forget the cataclism that began this fight. 9/11/01. I heard today that there are some in government that wish to treat the terrorists we catch as common criminals with full American citizen rights, as well as rights under the Geniva Convention. Perhapse they forget that these cowards are: A. Not American citizens, and B. Are not uniformed members of an organised military, nor do they belong to a signatory country of the Geniva Conventions. And don't try to argue that by "torturing" these terrorists, we are no better than they are. They torture and kill innocent civilians. Do we ever hear about them kidnapping American soldiers? NO! Because they are cowards. If our military deems them to be "enemy combatants" then they are no longer innocent.
Sorry, my blood gets boiling about this sometimes. If we are not careful, the panty-waist liberals will hand our great country over to these barbarians. And I feel that the "regular joe" gets drowned out by people who have nothing better to do than scream liberal garbage at the tops of thier lungs.
Well, there you have it. My musings for today

Monday, December 05, 2005

See? I told you.

I said I'd be back. Didn't say when! Ha..
I went skiing for the first time in over a year Sunday. A friend and I met my sis up at Mount Hood Meadows. It was "epic." 13" of pow-pow and sun all day. What a way to get back into it. I think snowboarders ("snubruders," as my high school friends and I dubbed this quite degenerate and downright lower species) have completely taken over. At one point there were 15 or 20 of them sitting in the middle of a run. Of course they got the obligatory "spray" as I weent by. I can't get down on snowboarders too much though, because my sis and her husband both 'board.
My wife says I should post some of my pics of dead animals so.....

This is a dead seal pup we found along the California coast near Crecent City.

This is a jack rabbit my friend and co-worker Jim shot with his AK-47. He didn't feel a thing.

And just in case everyone thinks I am a sick psychopath,
This is a pic of a thunderstorm that rolled through that same hunting trip. It was beautiful. This was a trip to Paisley, OR in 2003.
Well, as exciting as this was, I am all pooped out, and it is bed-time.